Stop by 128 Marston Hall for a visit.
Free tutors for ALL engineering majors!
UMass College of Engineering Career Center
College of Engineering personalized career center located in Marston 114. Drop off your resume for editing, or set up a mock-interview or visit just to ask the knowledgeable and helpful staff career related questions.
The Career Center offers workshops for resume and cover letter writing, career fair preparation, and interview skills. We provide sample resumes, cover letters, and thank you notes in our Career Development Handbook as well as one-on-one counseling between 9:00-5:00 M-F during the academic year (summer by appointment only).College of Engineering Home Page
When you are ready to gain relevant engineering experience, check out our job board, which includes internship, co-op, and full-time positions.
UMass Amherst Career Center
Visit this link to access Experience, the online job search for UMass students specifically. Internships, co-ops and full time jobs can be found here.