National SWE

The SWE brand should capture SWE’s mission:
Stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders,expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity.

Integrity: We aspire to the highest level of ethical behavior as evidenced by honesty and dignity in our personal and professional relationships and responsibilities.
Inclusive Environment: We embrace diversity in its broadest interpretation and commit to creating an inclusive environment for all our members and stakeholders.  We value the contributions of a diverse membership, which enables SWE to achieve its full potential.  Mutual Support : We provide an organization that fosters mentoring, and the development of professional and personal networks.
Professional Excellence: We conduct our activities in a professional manner, demonstrating and demanding the highest standards of business practices.
Trust: We share a common definition of success with open, transparent access to common information, building mutual respect and confidence in the competence of those with whom we lead, serve and partner with.

At SWE, we acknowledge and respect the value of a diverse community. We recognize that the scope of diversity includes race/ethnicity, family status, age, physical abilities, sexual orientation, socio‐economic status and occupational focus. Our Society will maintain an environment that is supportive of these elements, and we will promote inclusion within our organization and the engineering community.


 How to Become a National SWE Member:

The following information was taken from the National SWE website and describing the benefits holding a collegiate SWE membership.

A SWE collegiate membership is a great way to prepare for a successful engineering career. As a member, you are part of a community of peers with access to exceptional tools, scholarships, training, and role models. And with all the recreational activities, it's a lot of fun, too!
A SWE collegiate membership offers outstanding value! Your $20 membership includes:
  • Eligibility for scholarships. More than $500,000 is awarded each year.
  • SWE Career Center for internship and full-time employment search and career planning.
  • Networking opportunities with practicing women engineers and other collegiates.
  • A support system of peer groups, mentors, advisors, and industry leaders.
  • An opportunity to develop your leadership and management skills.
  • Regularly scheduled meetings that allow you to get advice from fellow members on everything from time management to graduate schools, all while making lifelong friendships.
  • Discounted prices with Kaplan: 10% off any SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, DAT, OAT or PCAT preparation class, Live Online class, premium online product, tutoring or admissions consulting package.
  • SWE Annual and Regional Conferences.
  • Professional development seminars.
  • Live professional development webinars that are also available as replays.
  • Annual subscription to the award-winning SWE Magazine.

Collegiate Membership Categories can be found here.