Thursday, October 9, 2014

First Welcome Meeting

First SWE meeting of the Year! This year's President Kelly Kennedy kicked off our meeting with everyone's favorite - pizza!

The girls (and boy) were able to reconnect over refreshments anxiously awaiting while our recent Alum and former SWE board members, Rachel and Ari, made the commute back out to Amherst.

First to arrive was Rachel Roberts (UMass 1'4) who now works at Raytheon and lives in Boston.  Rachel gave us a great overview of her transition from UMass life to industry and was able to give us some tips.  She was able to give us some great advice about managing finances as well as maintaining a good work-life balance.

Ari Barrenchea (UMass '14) arrived shortly after and shared her experiences she has had thus far working at Pratt and Whitney.  She expressed her enthusiasm when she would watch engines she helped to design and produce succeed in various tests.

Presidents and VP's - Past and Present! Rachel, Ari, Kelly, and Tiffany

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